
Event story

Each of our events has a story. From a very first creative idea through a pencil and paper up to exact measuring, planning, manifacturing and final realisation. We organize events more than 15 years so we know how important these processes are.


Everything starts with a lofty creative
idea, a vision that will be captured by
a thin pencil line and transferred to a drawing pad.


As soon as the creative concept
is clarified, we know an approximate time-demands
regarding installation, inventory,
and scenography, the 3D visualization
process begins.

3.Event vision

Simultaneously with the visualization a comprehensive presentation of the whole event is created. we are offering a creative concept covering everything from the invitation to follow-up.

Event vision
4.Technical plans

Technical drawing is essential for every action. It helps us layout the space in terms of scene, lights, guest seating, good visibility or catering service.

Technical plans

Once everything is approved, the production process
begins on all the "fronts" - from the print
production, through the animation production, to
production of decorations and props.


And here comes the day D. The installation
begins according to a strict
time-schedule. Everything must click in place, but it is
necessary to flexibly respond to unexpected
interventions of higher, as well as lower, force. This
is, of course, minimized by on site


It is the end. Flowers, applause, tears
and there. Everything is over now.
However, for us, it does not end there.
Now is the time when everything must be uninstalled, loaded,
and removed from the site, then unloaded at the warehouse.

Compare for yourself: